Feng Shui For Business – The Curious Fortunes of 2 Similar Restaurants
As a foodie in food paradise Singapore, I’ve always wondered why some eateries on this little island are always packed with diners while some places will eventually close after awhile.
Some reasons will run through my head. Is it because of:
- highly shareable reviews by influential food bloggers?
- consistent marketing & offers (like how McDonalds & KFC does regular promotions)?
- really really tasty food that warrants a long queue?
- great ambience?
- attractive prices and great food?
- accessible location (but probably penalized with high rental rates)?
The 2 places that piqued my interest are located at My Village at Serangoon Gardens.
Interestingly – both of them are just located side-by-side.
However while one restaurant will always be packed with diners, the other restaurant seemed to struggle to get crowds.
I know both serve great food and their prices are similar to each other.
But why does one does such a brisk trade while the other doesn’t – despite their close proximity to each other?
Now before you proceed reading further, I like to make a disclaimer:
I am in no way affiliated with either of these eateries nor have I received any free meals here.
I am just a regular diner who happens to have some knowledge on Feng Shui.
Introducing to you iSteaks Diner – a restaurant that features a Western menu:

The exterior view of iSteaks Diner

iSteaks Menu
And its next-door neighbour Hajime Tonkatsu & Ramen – a Japanese restaurant

The exterior view of Hajime

Hajime Tonkatsu & Ramen Menu
Guess which restaurant is receiving a lot of diners and seems to be always packed?
It was a typical Sunday evening when I decided to have dinner at My Village at Serangoon Gardens.
And interestingly, I did NOT choose to eat at Hajime – despite me being a firm lover of Japanese food.
But instead I found myself seated at iSteaks.
I ordered a NZ Ribeye, medium rare, like how we young folks like it nowadays. As I ate, I looked around at the usual scene of people queueing up to order and tables filling up with diners.
Here’s a picture taken at about 6pm:

6pm dinner crowd at Hajime

6pm dinner crowd at iSteaks – super packed!
A thought ran through my head – why the disparity? Shouldn’t both places be just as packed?
Why isn’t Hajime as packed as iSteaks during dinner time? Especially on a Sunday evening?
They both serve delicious food and at reasonable prices…
Could it be… Feng Shui?
This was an interesting phenomenon that was worth investigating.
So I came back with my luopan (compass) and took some measurements.
These are my findings:
iSteak Diner’s Feng Shui Direction

Its flying star chart is as follows (it is a period 8 building)
iSteak Diner’s location in the mall is as follows:

iSteaks Diner Location, My Village At Serangoon Gardens (Photo from www.myvillage.sg)
Here, I will superimpose the flying star chart on the restaurant and identify if the 8 or 9 facing star is being activated.
Why? This is because the 8 and 9 being the 2 most prosperous stars in the current period 8. The facing stars are the stars that governs wealth.
Most restaurants have a closed door concept where diners enter through a main door. But for iSteaks – there is a main difference.
iSteaks has an open concept – There are no doors to enter into the restaurant.
Diners can walk into its premises from anywhere along the walkway between the restaurant and the escalator.
So where is the critical Qi mouth we should be looking at?

iSteaks Diner open concept – walkway between it and escalator
The critical Qi mouth to focus on is naturally the nearest Qi mouth
Nearest to what you ask?
At home – we have beds.
In offices – we have desks.
Naturally in restaurants we have – the cashier!

iSteak Diner 2 nearest Qi mouth (Photo from www.myvillage.sg)
Once we confirmed the cashier’s location, we can see where is the location of the nearest Qi mouth.
There are actually 2 nearest Qi mouth to the cashier.
The 1st one is quite obvious – it is the door to their kitchen (indicated in yellow).
Thus we can see that it is a South door with a 69 Qi and 9 facing star.
The 2nd Qi mouth is less obvious.
It is actually the pathway between the customer service and the escalator (indicated in purple).
Thus we can see that it is a North-East Qi mouth with a 58 Qi and 8 facing star.
With shoppers and staff moving in and out of these Qi mouth – it will begin activating the respective energies of 8 and 9.
Coupled with their good food at reasonable prices – it is no wonder that iSteak’s business is doing fantastic.
The owner of iSteak Diner definitely has his/her hard work paid off!
Let’s explore Hajime’s Feng Shui direction:
This is very interesting to note – Hajime isn’t facing SW3 like iSteaks!
Yes, both restaurants are side-by-side on the same floor within the same building BUT Hajime is facing another different direction when compared to iSteaks Diner.
Which direction? Unfortunately I am unable to share it here explicitly and publicly – this is a secret for us Feng Shui practitioners.
This secret is quite important – it really distinguishes the difference between a genuine Feng Shui Master who is able to bring results versus another guy who simply practices Feng Shui without full understanding.
But I hope the next bits of information shared below will provide you with enough clues.

Hajime Tonkatsu & Ramen Location & Critical Qi Mouth (Photo from www.myvillage.sg)
For Hajime, its critical Qi mouth and the facing star that it is activating is quite undesirable.
There is actually activation of a 7 facing star. This star represents arguments, robbery, cheating and most of all, is not prosperous for WEALTH.
There is probably disharmony within its management and staff (I don’t see many familiar faces as with iSteaks, they probably change their staff occasionally).
It is highly likely that this energy is the main cause of its average business in relation to iSteaks.
As all diners must walk pass the green indicated Qi mouth to enter Hajime – this already significantly activates the negative energies.

All diners must walk through the green indicated Qi mouth to enter Hajime
However, there is one good thing I like to highlight – which is the hard work of its owner & chef Tan-San.
Hajime still maintains high standards of quality food and still manage to keep their prices reasonable.
This is a testament showing that hard work can still somehow fill the gap even when there exist significant Feng Shui issues.
Without their input of hard work, I believe that Hajime’s business would have been even poorer.
Dealing with various business owners in different industries over these past few years, I sincerely believe that many people would still want good Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is like the energy of the river’s flow.
If the flow is with you, your hard work in moving your boat will pay off sooner than you think. Everything seems easier as all energies are in perfect alignment.
But if the flow is against you – well, you DEFINITELY have to put in extra effort in moving your boat. All the energy currents are going against you. It will become that much harder to reach your destination.
If you are a business owner or an entrepreneur – and you feel that your business has been wrongly audited or that operations isn’t as smooth as you think – I invite you to contact me for a free initial consultation to determine whether indeed you have Feng Shui issues.