The Interesting Feng Shui Story of International Plaza

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The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

The Interesting Feng Shui Story of International Plaza

Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to run a Feng Shui audit at an office at International Plaza. If you work in the CBD area, International Plaza is a very well-known building that is also one of the oldest office building in Tanjong Pagar area. It was built in 1976 with a height of 190 metres.

This means the building that is so conveniently located at Tanjong Pagar MRT – is more than 40 years old!

And yet – there is always a good demand for office units there plus a rental rate that remains persistently high despite the age.

Now there is a very interesting story attached to this client. He wanted to audit this particular office unit because the previous tenant is his good friend. And he personally witnessed his friend’s rapid business growth – that within a few years, they had to shift out of this small office unit to a much larger unit.

This client felt that this particular office unit brought good fortune and made a lot of money for his friend.

When his friend moved out in 2017, he was very keen to take up a lease for this “good luck & fortune” unit. But he wanted to be sure – so he engaged our Feng Shui audit service.

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

The exact unit we audited at International Plaza

For privacy reasons I’ll be bluring out the floor level but I will let you know the unit number.

Can we verify this office unit was the source of good Qi?

Now the first step is to always find out the current period of the building.

So I went online to research on the history of International Plaza building.

This was what I found out:

“It is noteworthy that the 15th floor and 25th Floor of the International Plaza house the Honorary Consulate of Malta and Honorary Consulate of Tuvalu respectively. The entire complex benefits from air conditioning for its corridors and hallways, and, for those who prefer to drive, there is a huge parking lot, which has been completely re-designed for easier use in 1985.”

I found out more details on the International Plaza’s Wikipedia page:

“In 1985 the owners carried out a minor upgrade, involving an interior retrofitting and the addition of an external glass wall to achieve the desired overall thermal transfer value rating. International Plaza’s refurbishment cost S$15 million. The building had an elaborate LED facade installed, as part of the Singapore Government’s plan to light up buildings in the central business district.”

So in 1985, there was a major renovation which altered the period of this building. (Period 7 is the period between 1984 – 2003.)

International Plaza was built in 1976 which was in Period 6. With this 1985 major renovation, it shifted the period of the building to Period 7.

The next step is to find out where the main Qi mouth is facing.

Is the main Qi mouth always the Main Entrance?

Most of the time, we assume the main Qi mouth will be located at the main entrance. After all, that is where the most “traffic” and movement comes in right?

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

The main entrance to International Plaza is NOT the main Qi mouth

This particular Qi mouth DOES NOT affect the offices.

So unless you are Coffee Bean on Level 1, this particular Qi mouth will have no significant impact to your office unit.

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

Coffee Bean located at Level 1 of International Plaza

So where is the main Qi mouth located at International Plaza?

There is actually a hidden and lesser known Qi mouth. You will need to walk around and explore International Plaza in order to find it.

Without proper experience and Feng Shui knowledge, one would have totally missed this Qi mouth. For this particular Feng Shui knowledge, I will not be able to learn from books or ancient text.

For me to truly understand and locate the actual Qi mouth, it required real knowledge passed down from True Masters to Disciples.

Eventually I found the actual Qi mouth of International Plaza:

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

8th floor lobby of International Plaza

This is a lobby for BOTH the residences and offices (8th floor). International Plaza is both an office building as well as a residential building. Residents would enter their homes via this lobby located at the 8th floor.

Doesn’t this seem to be a more fitting Qi mouth than the main one?

From here, we find that the facing direction is South 2/3.

The Energy Chart / Flying Star Chart of International Plaza

Flying Star Chart of International Plaza

Every building has their own Energy chart. Based on the period and facing direction, this is what I managed to plot.

Once we have gathered this crucial piece of information, the next step is to superimpose this flying star chart over the #XX-04 office unit.

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

Lift lobby floor plan of International Plaza. The door of the office unit is in red.

So by comparing with the flying star chart, we now know that the door is located in the SW sector with a 68 Qi and therefore an 8 facing star.

We are now currently in Period 8 (Year 2004 to 2023), where number 8 is a prosperous star. Any unit that has a door with a 8 facing star can expect great fortune in terms of wealth as the facing star governs wealth.

Hence we can confirm and verify why the previous tenant of the #XX-04 unit was so successful from year 2012 to 2017.

We can also say that any tenant that has rented this office unit since year 1985 (the year that International Plaza did its renovation and changed period) until now can expect great success in their business.

Thus it seems that if the client were to move into this unit, he can expect a smooth sailing journey for his business.

We can say for certain that if the client were to move in and use unit #XX-04, he will definitely be prosperous.

But there is a snag. International Plaza is currently undergoing a major renovation right now in 2018.

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

Lift upgrading to be completed in July 2018

This means the period of prosperity for unit #XX-04 will only last till July 2018.

You see, whenever a major renovation happens, it will cause a period change in the building.

So which period will the “New” International Plaza be in?

It will be Period 8. Not Period 7 anymore. As the renovation started in 2016 and will end in 2018 – it happens within Period 8.

Every time a major renovation happens, the Qi of the building will shift from the previous period to the current period that it is in.

To summarize:

  • International Plaza was built in Period 6
  • Then 1985 – major renovation – shifted to Period 7
  • Now in 2016 – another major renovation – shifted to Period 8
  • So now the building is in Period 8 by the time the renovation ends


New Flying Star Chart for International Plaza in Period 8

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

This is the flying start chart for a building in Period 8 and facing South 2/3

So where is the main Qi mouth located at International Plaza?

In this case, the SW door will have a 16 Qi with a 6 facing star which is not prosperous at all.

The worst luck will affect units like #XX-07.

The businesses in these units might encounter a shift in their business fortunes.

This is because its door is in the East sector with a 25 Qi and 5 facing star. The number 5 star represents failure and disaster.

Before the renovation, such units will have a 59 Qi with a 9 facing star which is prosperous in Period 8.

This is a total 180 degree change from auspicious to inauspicious.

This is a clear example that good Feng Shui will NOT last forever.

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

#XX-07 units might see a drop in their business fortunes

However units like #XX-09 can rejoice.

Such office units will have its door in the NE sector with a 79 Qi and 9 facing star – which is properous in both Period 8 and 9.

So for those businesses – you’re all set for now until year 2043!

Before the renovation, such units would have a 95 Qi with a 5 facing star.

Again this is a 180 degree change from inauspicious to auspicious.

This is another clear example that bad Feng Shui also does not last forever!

The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza
The Interesting Fengshui Story of International Plaza

#XX-09 units might see a favourable increase in their business

My advice is this: Do check out this piece of critical information if your office is in International Plaza.

Start preparing for any changes that may occur.

For office units that have a 8 or 9 facing star after the renovation – you are all set. There is no need to worry and can just enjoy the good Qi without doing anything.

For units that have a 5 or any other non-prosperous star… do not worry as well.

There are still ways for you to access the power of number 8 and 9 too with a few Feng Shui adjustments.

This was what we did for the client for his #XX-04 unit and he proceeded to take up the lease.

If you are in the process of considering an office lease and would like to seek a Feng Shui audit, you are welcome to contact me for a discussion.


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