I really wished I have a better reason to tell you.
But the honest truth was this – the key thing that me sign up was the looks of my current Master.
There was a certain aura on his face that simply made me think he was someone that I can trust, someone different.
I know! It was so weird. I am 100% aware of how that sentence reads like. I am a numbers guy – cold, hard data is my playground. But… it is what it is.
But I decided to embrace the decision. Tony Robbins once said that your moments of decision – that is when your destiny is shaped.
Of course, my brain tried to rationalise (and justify) this decision in a few ways:
- If I am going to learn Feng Shui, I might as well start here
- If I started elsewhere, I could get conned or worse, learn the wrong stuff
- The high price means there is some substance in the knowledge
So I started my Feng Shui learning journey – which I chronicled its impact on my life here.