How A 1st Class Honors Graduate Stumbled Into The World of Feng Shui

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How A 1st Class Honors Graduate Stumbled Into The World of Feng Shui

You must be wondering: what’s the story here? Can Millennial & Feng Shui even appear in the same sentence?

Let me be the first to assure you. I am just an ordinary Singaporean millennial who followed the standard “Singaporean” life script for the past 27 years. I was born and grew up on this tropical island.

Throughout this period, I was constantly reminded how important it was to achieve academic excellence so I can “secure that good job.”

And I did get there! I graduated from NTU with a first class honors degree in banking & finance – a highly coveted piece of paper and the dreams of many parents for their children. Needless to say, it seemed that I was going to do very well in the corporate world. I have already planned and structured my future success carefully.

But life has a way of not following your well-laid plans.

Unplanned Disruption #1

During my second year in NTU, I was posted to a work attachment with a bank. To my horror, I discovered that the job wasn’t right for me. That experience sparked an incredible deluge of doubts in my mind – so much so that I almost wanted to quit my studies in NTU.

I felt I was wasting my time to pursue a Banking & Finance degree which I would not use. But of course, my parents would have none of that – they threw a fit when I said the word “quit my studies”.

Being a dutiful son, I decided to complete my degree anyway and maintained a 4.5 GPA.

Finally, I could cross out “First class honors degree” from my to-do list. I was glad to put that piece of paper aside to start exploring my new goals.

Financial Success Seemed Elusive

Since a piece of paper told me I was capable & smart, I thought achieving financial success was going to be easy.

I joined a stock trading company with low pay to build up a passive income. Apparently trading was not so easy despite my finance degree – and eventually I left after a year.

I ventured into trading, plumbing, internet marketing and even tried starting my own business. It all failed to garner enough traction and didn’t succeed as well as I hoped.

How long can I continue to “explore”? How long can I hold on without a “proper job”? That kiasu Singaporean instinct was kicking in…

Attending the Feng Shui Academy

Back when I was with the stock trading company, I attended a Feng Shui talk. It intrigued me to say the least.

I went to the Academy and made a decision to enrol for their Feng Shui course.

This was not some $388 course but it was their most comprehensive program – a pretty heavy investment.

Why Did I Sink An Almost 5-Figure Sum On A Feng Shui Course?

I really wished I have a better reason to tell you.

But the honest truth was this – the key thing that me sign up was the looks of my current Master.

There was a certain aura on his face that simply made me think he was someone that I can trust, someone different. 

I know! It was so weird. I am 100% aware of how that sentence reads like. I am a numbers guy – cold, hard data is my playground. But… it is what it is.

But I decided to embrace the decision. Tony Robbins once said that your moments of decision – that is when your destiny is shaped.

Of course, my brain tried to rationalise (and justify) this decision in a few ways:

  • If I am going to learn Feng Shui, I might as well start here
  • If I started elsewhere, I could get conned or worse, learn the wrong stuff
  • The high price means there is some substance in the knowledge

So I started my Feng Shui learning journey – which I chronicled its impact on my life here.


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